Skyrim female fur armor mod
Skyrim female fur armor mod

This means armor cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over 100. Pieces can be upgraded at a workbench with a piece of leather, though they do not benefit from any Smithing perks.

  • A full set of fur armor can be found inside Mzinchaleft, where two bandits reside in the small glacial area before the door that opens to two leveled Dwarven Spheres and a bandit fighting them.
  • Stormcloak soldiers and certain Hold Guards wear fur boots and fur gauntlets along with their guard cuirasses and helmets.
  • Bandits typically wear all four variants of upper body fur armor along with fur shoes and fur bracers.
  • skyrim female fur armor mod skyrim female fur armor mod skyrim female fur armor mod

    There are four variants of Fur Armor available, however, the appearance does not affect armor rating:įur armor cannot be crafted and isn't typically sold by blacksmiths or general goods merchants, however, certain pieces are very common among bandits and Hold Guards:

    Skyrim female fur armor mod