World of warships iron duke
World of warships iron duke

world of warships iron duke

The Iron Dukes were the third four-ship class of super-dreadnought (following the Orions and the King George Vs), and represented a staggering acceleration of peacetime naval construction on the part of the United Kingdom. Iron Duke was a well-designed ship, capable of outgunning its German (if not its American) counterparts, and serving as the basis for the even more heavily armed Chilean battleship Almirante Latorre. Like most Royal Navy battleships of the era, it could make twenty-one knots. Its secondary armament, deployed in single casemates, consisted of twelve six-inch guns. It displaced twenty-five thousand tons, and carried ten 13.5-inch guns in five twin turrets.

world of warships iron duke

Laid down in 1912, Iron Duke was commissioned in March 1914.

World of warships iron duke